Honda CBR 600RR. Inspirováno RC211V pětiválcovou MotoGP Hondou. Revoluční technologie a design převzaný z GP. Zcela nový CBR600RR je určený pro dominanci na trati i na ulici. Jedinečné vlastnosti CBR600RR · Unit Pro-Link zadní zavěšení a kyvná vidlice inspirovana RC211V. · Dvoustupňový systém vstřikování paliva je vybaven dvěma vstřikovači na válec. · High-revving Redlines motoru při 15000 otáčkách za minutu. · Nový styl center-up výfukového systému. · Centrální umístění palivové nádrže zvyšuje masovou centralizaci a umožňuje více kompaktní konstrukci rámu.
Pre-prepared KITS! Complete racing sets, Conversion sets, Front fairings, Fairings with plexiglass, with lights, Frames with seat, Racing brackets with airduct etc.
Individual fairing parts (upper parts, side parts, lower parts, seats-rear parts, cafe racer fairings, Oldtimer fairings, mudguards, tank covers, air boxes, bellypans under the engine, etc.
Typical accessories for fairings/bodywork. Plexiglas in various designs, Foam pads for racing seats, Rear sets-footrests, Handlebars, Headlights etc.
Different types of holders and brackets. Front brackets (stay), Rear frames, Mounting Kits, Installation of Quick Release Bolts, Headlight Mounts, Installation of Projector Mounts.
Various covers and protective elements for the motorcycle! Frame, Swing arm, Engine Covers, Covers for other parts, protective foil-tank pads, Crash pads, Shark fins, Foam for the tank, Thermo foil.
Bolts and fasteners for assembly of parts. Various types of quick-fasteners screws with bayonet system, Plexiglas bolts, Adapters, Washers etc.
Stickers sets for the whole motorcycle in the style of MotoGP, WSBK, replicas of original stickers. Replica WSBK headlights. Huge selection! You don't have to make anything complicated, save time and money.
Other unclassified smaller accessories. Stands, Plastic ZIP, Drain plug, Tank caps, Silicon-glues, Repair lamination kit, Accessories for stands, Spare part for rear sets, handlebars.